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Family fun in Hawaii, luxury in Nevis, a Disneyland members-only club and skiing in Val d’Isere
a lovely week in Cornwall in the UK, but here’s what the others have been doing.
Kim-Marie, aka Luxury Travel Mom, has been with two of her lovely children to the Disney Aulani Resort in Hawaii, enjoying Mai Tai cocktails from a hot tub each evening. To be fair, this was at the end of a day chasing children so I’m sure was well deserved!
Katie of Traveling Panties reports back on what to do in Nevis for the perfect luxury getaway. There are lots of ideas there for what sounds like an idyllic Caribbean escape. The botanical gardens sound well worth a visit.
Nadine Jolie reports back on Club 33 Disneyland: the secret members-only club which was founded by none other than Walt Disney himself back in the 1960s. I can’t say I’ve ever been to Disneyland but the fayre at Club 33 certainly looks good, though no doubt isn’t typical of all establishments in the vicinity!
Ana of Mrs. O. Around the World fame enjoyed a luxury ski weekend in Val d’Isere, staying at the wonderful-looking Chalet Lhotse. The significance of the name would, I’m ashamed to say, have passed me by had I not seen Lhotse (the mountain beside Everest) for myself just a few months ago.
I was recently invited to join the Luxury Travel Blog Network, a group of leading, like-minded, luxury travel bloggers from various corners of the globe. This is just an opportunity for us to share what we’ve each been up to each month. Regular readers of ALTB will already be aware that I enjoyed 

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