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4 sites that should be on the World Heritage list

The UNESCO World Heritage list is a subject that can cause as much controversy as it can congratulations. Regardless of what your opinion of it may be, it is an undeniably influential global inventory which can transform the fortunes of some of the world’s most dramatic and significant natural and cultural locations. With this in mind, I have been taking a closer look at a selection of those sites which have yet to be included in UNESCO’s prestigious catalogue, but which in my opinion are no less spectacular or worthwhile of worldwide recognition. 1.       Waitangi Treaty Grounds, Bay of Islands, New Zealand The Waitangi Treaty Grounds have to be considered as New Zealand’s pre-eminent historical site. It was on February 6, 1840 that the Treaty of Waitangi was first signed between Maori chiefs and the British Crown, a fundamental act in the evolution of modern New Zealand. The Trust estate comprises 507 hectares, ranging from the lower reaches of the Waitangi River to the northern coastline of Wairoa Bay. To the east of the estate resides the 4.8 hectare historical precinct, home to the Treaty House, the Whare Runanga and the renowned naval flagstaff which marks the place where the treaty was first signed. As well as its historical interest the area boasts extensive grounds inhabited by native birdlife, trees and heritage gardens. 2.       Okavango Delta, Botswana As the world’s largest inland delta the arterial Okavango’s precious water supply is the life blood of northern Botswana, including the Moremi Game Reserve which extends across its eastern plains. The ecosystem incorporates a variety of habitats, from woodlands, riverine forests and grasslands, to floodplains and sand veldt islands. The delta also supports an incredible biodiversity of life including 150 species of mammals, over 500 species of birds, 90 species of fish, as well as plants, reptiles, invertebrates and amphibious creatures. 3.       Black River Gorges National Park, Mauritius In the hilly south west of Mauritius, the Black River Gorges National Park is the primary habitat for a majority of the endemic animal, bird and plant life in Mauritius, including several of its rarest species. Only established in 1994, the park has already asserted itself as a haven for wildlife and a popular tourist destination. As well as the Mauritian fly fox and the Mauritian kestrel this habitat is also home to the world’s rarest pigeon, the pink pigeon and the world’s rarest parakeet, the Echo parakeet. 4.       Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia Taman Negara, literally translated as National Park, has been a real ecotourism success story and could serve as a model for many of the other mismanaged sites that still retain UNESCO World Heritage status. The park, originally called King George V National park until the country gained independence in 1957, is Malaysia’s first and largest conservation area, encompassing three separate states. Popular with climbers because of Gunung Tahan, the highest point of the Malay Peninsula, the park is home to some of the rarest species in Malaysia, including the majestic Indochinese Tiger, the crab-eating macaque, Sumatran Rhinoceros and Asian Elephant. As well as spectacular views, tourists can enjoy canopy and cave walking and rafting. James Bell is the Sales and Marketing Director for Turquoise Holidays. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

James Bell

James Bell is Managing Director at The Turquoise Holiday Company. The Turquoise Holiday Company is a family-owned and run business that creates tailor-made luxury holidays with their expert knowledge and unrivalled customer service. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.

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  1. And Black River in Mauritius should definitely be on the list with the Paille en Queue and beautiful parrots.

  2. Got to agree with the Waitangi Treaty Grounds in New Zealand, they are an impressive place to visit and of obvious importance in new zealand’s history. they are equally comparable to many of the other unesco sites and are worthy of a place.

  3. I have been to Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia and would definitely agree. I did not manage to see any of the larger animals mentioned, as we were told they are becoming rarer and are not as close to the resorts as they used to be, but the experience was amazing. I would definitely recommend going on a night safari. The insects are HUUUGE!

  4. Hi.

    I couldn’t agree more. I don’t know for the others but I’m Mauritian and black river should really be protected.

    we got about 8 unique species of birds struggling for survival. Seeing a pink pigeon is quite a unique experience as well.

    Less famous, in the south of Mauritius there’s the combo forest where it’s quite easy to spot them along with other rare species.

    Awesome :)

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